Submit your entry to the 2025 Awards
Every category comes with its own set of objectives and eligibility whilst all sharing the same judging criteria of: Technical and Business innovation, User experience enhancement and Scale of market impact

Submit your entry to the 2024 Awards
Every category comes with its own set of objectives and eligibility whilst all sharing the same judging criteria of: Technical and Business innovation, User experience enhancement and Scale of market impact
All entries must supply:
1) Entry Title 2) Main entries must be within 1000 words 3) Supporting video within 90 Seconds
The main entry and video should include a brief introduction about the company, entry title and highlights the reasons why your entry should be considered for the Award based on the objectives and judging criterion of the chosen category.
The judging panel reserves the right to cast any deciding vote should the need arise. The verdict of the judging panel is final. Entering the awards requires payment of US$350, and is due regardless of whether the entry makes to the shortlist or not.