WBA OpenRoaming™
What are the benefits?

OpenRoaming™ brings together a federation of networks and identity providers, allowing users to join any network managed by a federation member.

Companies who join OpenRoaming™ provide assurance that their Wi-Fi networks automatically interoperate between each other to deliver an automatic and secure connected Wi-Fi experience.

WBA OpenRoaming™ enables companies to accelerate and scale Wi-Fi roaming relationships. Enabled networks can automatically onboard users securely leveraging established identity providers such as operators, cloud IDs, loyalty membership, bridging the gap between Wi-Fi and cellular networks.


Within the WBA OpenRoamingTM ecosystem, each player has a role and can enhance and increase their business value by becoming part of the federation

Ecosystem Broker

Certificate and Registration Authorities Wi-Fi Equipment vendors Roaming Hubs and Agents
  • Provide an off-the-shelf solution using WBA OpenRoaming™ to connect network providers and Identity providers

  • Grow your customer relationships leading to business and revenue growth

  • Support your customers by providing WBA OpenRoaming™ interconnection services, identity creation and other added value services

  • Enlarge your portfolio of innovative services by providing WBA OpenRoaming™

Identity Providers

Mobile Operators, Cable Operators, ISPs, Brand-Loyalty Programs, Device-Chipset Manufacturers, Internet & Social Media Providers and Other Public-Guest Wi-Fi Providers
  • Provide a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi experience by enabling automatic and secure connectivity to Wi-Fi networks to your customers

  • Provides unprecedented global reach to millions of Wi-Fi Hotspots supported by WBA OpenRoaming™ partners for your customers in venues from operators, enterprises, cities, among others

  • Extend value for your customers and increase relevancy of your services

  • Enlarge your customer satisfaction and show innovative services by enabling WBA OpenRoaming™

  • Keep customers connected with WBA OpenRoaming™ while reducing operating expenses by way of Wi-Fi offload


Large support across all device types and brands. Support on Operating System or over-the-air provisioning
  • WBA OpenRoaming™ improves consumers satisfaction with guest & public Wi-Fi access by delivering an automatic and secure Wi-Fi experience across the World.

  • End users can now connect to all type of Wi-Fi networks – coffee-shops, restaurants, malls, retail, cities among others – no matter where you go.

Wi-Fi Network Providers

Operators, hospitality & convention centres, airports & transportation, education & cities & coffee-shops, sports stadia & arenas, corporate offices & other public-guest
  • Solve your Wi-Fi authentication challenge for your customers and visitors by providing automatic and secure Wi-Fi with WBA OpenRoaming™

  • Provides Wi-Fi access in your property to billions of Wi-Fi devices supported by WBA OpenRoaming™ members

  • Grow your business opportunities with Wi-Fi Roaming & Offload

  • Prepare your Wi-Fi network for convergence with 5G and be ready to be used by any device with a cellular SIM-Card & services

  • Provide a better Wi-Fi experience with innovative services to ease the life of your customers and visitors