The fact that the first generation of ‘Digital Natives’ (the generation that has only known digital communication) are starting to earn and enjoy their first salaries is driving a gigantic market of mobile internet applications. Subsequently this is generating a huge potential for mobile operators.

Insights’09 is the only free industry event to focus on these trends and their impact on the roaming world. It gives you a clear understanding of the evolution of the next generation roaming eco-system that seems to disrupt our current roaming processes.

Insights’09 builds on an established tradition of high quality events well appreciated by MACH clients and non-clients. Theme-based topics and a line of well known speakers will be combined with real-life mobile operator case studies. Representatives from the GSMA will outline the main trends and projects impacting upon your daily work.

Insights’09 is the event of choice for networking. Meet industry peers, roaming experts and MACH account managers in one location. And finally, do business at our ‘speed roaming’ sessions allowing you to go back home with roaming contracts in your pocket.

MACH: Sophia Bødiker
Global Marketing Project Manager
+45 29361370

To receive a complimentary pass to the industry event of the year. Open to all telecom players. 08-10 June 2009, Lisbon Portugal – visit :