Dr. Angelos Mavridis
Special Board Advisor for Sustainability
Angelos is an independent international Business Advisor and Consultant based in Germany, and he is Board Advisor of the WBA for Sustainability.
His current interests are Sustainability and new IFC business opportunities for MNO´s by offering Wi-Fi Roaming as Cellular Roaming in airplanes.
Angelos was Member of the Board of Directors of the WBA representing the Deutsche Telekom group from July 2019 to May 2023. In 2022 he started introducing the challenging topic of Sustainability in the WBA in cooperation with GeSI and the European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC) of the European Union. From 2018 to 2022 he led the WBA working group for Inflight Connectivity (IFC).
Angelos has 34 years of experience in telecommunications working for Detecon, AT&T and Lucent Technologies, o.tel.o, German Health-Network and since 2000 for T-Mobile International, Deutsche Telekom and Telekom Deutschland in different positions in Germany.
Angelos worked for the Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier, the leading wholesale provider of Telekom Deutschland (the operating company of Deutsche Telekom in Germany). During the last 19 years, he was the Wi-Fi Roaming Manager of Deutsche Telekom and the main contact for roaming deals with the Wi-Fi networks of Telekom Deutschland and of Deutsche Telekom in European countries, in Lufthansa lounges and in long-haul flights of several major airlines and in short-haul flights of the Lufthansa group. He was responsible to develop the Wi-Fi roaming business with new wholesale models, new technologies and new footprints. He cooperated closely with the Inflight team of Telekom Deutschland. With his managing experience of R&D projects co-funded by the European Union he was further involved in the selection and in the review of R&D projects in Internet Technology, eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living for 20 years at the European Commission.
Angelos Mavridis, born in Athens, Greece, holds a Dr.-Ing. degree in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern and a Dipl.-Ing. degree in Telecommunications from the University of Hannover. He is active in sports as athletics and archery with the Olympic recurve bow. He lives and works in Bonn, Germany, with his wife and his son.