“In-Flight Wi-Fi Connectivity: Improving Passenger Experience, Engagement and Uptake,” explores how airlines, service providers and other stakeholders can make it faster and easier for travellers to get and stay connected.
The paper covers the top business and technological challenges faced by stakeholders such as airlines, mobile operators, satellite and air-to-ground backhaul services, avionics vendors and hub services that facilitate roaming. It provides recommendations on how stakeholders can overcome these and other major barriers and improve the process. For example, implementing Passpoint® frees passengers from the hassle of manually entering log-in credentials every time. Instead, the aircraft’s network automatically authenticates and connects them on every flight after their initial log-in at one of that airline’s planes with automatic, secure and friction-free user experience.
Going forward, the WBA members will develop industry guidelines on users digital experience when using Wi-Fi networks. This ultimately unleashes a consistent experience across networks with non-fixed backhaul, such as maritime and trains use cases. In the end, an integrated and consistent mechanism will be put forward, first trialled among the members in real world scenarios, and eventually creating the standard for commercial rollout. To participate in future projects, contact WBA PMO.
For additional publications, visit the WBA Resource Centre.
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This project is bought to you by the In-Flight Connectivity team led by the WBA Roaming Work Group.