The sporting venue has implemented technology developed by the Brazilian operator Linktel
SÃO PAULO–Despite its 55th anniversary this coming October, the Cícero Pompeu de Toledo stadium known to most as the Morumbi Stadium of São Paulo. F.C., is the only soccer sporting venue equipped with NGH 2.0 passpoint, developed in conjunction with WBA, an entity which stands in the forefront of global wireless technology, guaranteeing quick access with encrypted security and automatic authentication.
The encrypted communication gives users more security and access is done through a one-time registration over a Wi-Fi network compatible with NGH2.0 passpoint. This eliminates the old authentication processes, and browsing occurs automatically without any disruptions.
Fábio Simonágio, Linktel’s Director of Engineering states that opening the market to NGH2.0 – Next Generation Hotspot Passpoint signals the company’s pioneering spirit in the global Wi-Fi market. “We’re the only company participating in the project in Latin America since the beginning, as well as the only one to have its hotspots approved. Fans are having the highest level of secure access with high speed on their mobile devices.”
The Wi-Fi network provided by Linktel at Morumbi allows up to 30,000 concurrent connections across all mobile platforms.
Linktel is an independent Brazilian telecommunications company offering practical and efficient global solutions, which allow for quick and secure communication. It’s also an acting member of the international communities Wi-Fi Alliance, WiMAX Forum and WBA – Wireless Broadband Alliance. Linktel’s network is compliant in all the performance, security and quality parameters, assuring its worldwide recognition. For more information about Linktel’s technology, backbone, coverage, variety of services, or for our hotspot list in Brazil, please visit
Matheus Trunk, +55 (11) 2197-7000
FonteMidia Americas for Linktel
Wilians Geminiano, +55 11 2743-6722 / 3493-0116 – 99869-3943