Wi-Fi is Essential to Bridge the Digital Divide in Rural Areas

In this Rural Wi-Fi Connectivity: Challenges, Use Cases and Case Studies, it sets out how mobile operators, fiber providers & cable companies should be using Wi-Fi to serve the 1 billion consumers & businesses where copper, fiber & cellular struggle technologically and economically.

This report also demonstrates why Wi-Fi is the most economical and effective technology for bridging the digital divide in small towns, remote communities and other sparsely populated areas, utilising the best available backhaul solution.

We discuss the critical factors applicable to Wi-Fi networks in rural areas including:

  • Broadband deployment challenges
  • Relevant use cases
  • Best practices in the ecosystem
  • Importance of an unlicensed spectrum for Wi-Fi to connect the unconnected
  • Real-world case studies, and
  • Business models from different regions