With the last third of 2017 now firmly upon us, the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) is reaching out to service providers, carriers, and cities from around the world, inviting you to make your voices heard in our annual Industry Survey!
The WBA works tirelessly to champion the development of a converged wireless broadband ecosystem, and the Industry Survey plays a key role in this. For 2017, the Survey explores how carriers, service providers, and cities are using licensed & unlicensed technologies to improve their business models. In addition, it aims to find out how these same industry bodies intend to develop their technology and services roadmap as we look ahead to 2020 and the dawn of the 5G era. Further, it looks at strategic industry trends, as well as current and future plans for the state of Next Gen wireless.
The results from the survey will be presented in WBA’s 2017 Industry Report, which is to be published and made available during the Wireless Global Congress in New York City (13-16 November). A copy of the Report will also be e-mailed to anyone who participates in the survey.
Join the discussions and make your opinion count! To take the survey, click here