This article has been translated to English – the Japanese translation is below.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government is aiming to create a communication environment that connects to the network anytime, anywhere, anyone, no matter what, by utilizing 5G, Wi-Fi, satellite communications, etc., in order to realize a “connected Tokyo.” Recently, an opinion exchange meeting was held with the WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance) about OpenRoaming-compatible Wi-Fi that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is working on, and we would like to tell you about the meeting.
What is the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA)?
Established in 2003, the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) is an international industry association of public Wi-Fi service providers, with approximately 200 members including telecommunications carriers and manufacturers around the world. With the latest communication technology centered on OpenRoaming, we aim to promote seamless and interoperable communication services.
- Standards development: Formulation of industry guidelines and technical specifications
- Testing and Certification: Testing and Certification Programs for New Technologies
- Policy & Regulation: Policy Advocacy and Regulatory Response
- Promotion of programs such as next-generation Wi-Fi, OpenRoaming, 5G, IoT, smart cities , etc.
- Facilitating service provider collaboration: Partnering with technology companies and cities to promote the latest Wi-Fi technologies
- Creation of business opportunities: Develop activities to expand business opportunities for member companies
- Ecosystem Strengthening: Promoting the adoption of Wi-Fi and related technologies to support the development of the entire ecosystem
Click here to see a list of all WBA members.
Opinion exchange meeting with WBA
On Thursday, January 30, WBA CEO Tiago Rodrigues and CTO Bruno Thomas visited the agency. We shared information on OpenRoaming initiatives, such as the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Connected Tokyo” development policy, and the latest technology trends of the WBA, and exchanged opinions on efforts to spread OpenRoaming and the use of Wi-Fi data.

Click the image to see the full, interactive OpenRoaming Coverage Map.

From left to right: Onodera Tsunagu, Tokyo Promotion Manager; Tiago Rodrigues, WBA CEO; Komiya Tsunaga, Tokyo Promotion Manager; Bruno Tomas, WBA CTO
On Friday, January 31, there was a meeting between WBA CEO Tiago Rodrigues, Deputy Governor Miyasaka, and Director General Yamada of the Digital Services Bureau.
Based on overseas examples of the introduction of OpenRoaming, opinions were also exchanged on the importance of inter-city collaboration.

From left to right: Deputy Governor Miyasaka, CEO Rodrigues, Director General of Digital Services Yamada
In this article, we introduced the exchange of opinions between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the WBA.
As of the end of December 2024, the OpenRoaming-compatible Wi-Fi developed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has approximately 7.4 million connections per month. Based on the knowledge gained through the exchange of opinions with WBA, we will work to expand the use of OpenRoaming in collaboration with local governments and private companies in Tokyo in order to realize a “Connected Tokyo” and improve the quality of life of Tokyo residents. If you see OpenRoaming in the city, please use it. Thank you for your continued support!
Click here to register for OpenRoaming ↓
今回は、都が取り組むOpenRoaming対応Wi-FiについてWBA(Wireless Broadband Alliance)と意見交換会を行いましたので、会議の様子をお伝えいたします。
- WBAとは?
Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) は、2003年に設立された国際的な公衆Wi-Fiサービス関連事業者の業界団体で、世界の通信事業者、メーカ等約200社が参加しています。OpenRoamingを中心とした最新の通信技術により、シームレスで相互に運用可能な通信サービスの推進を目指しています。
- 標準開発:業界ガイドラインや技術仕様の策定
- 試験と認証:新技術の試験と認証プログラムの実施
- 政策と規制:政策提言と規制対応
- 次世代Wi-Fi、OpenRoaming、5G、IoT、スマートシティなどのプログラムの推進 等
- サービスプロバイダーの協力促進:技術企業や都市と連携し、最新のWi-Fi技術を普及
- ビジネス機会の創出:メンバー企業のビジネスチャンスを拡大するための活動を展開
- エコシステムの強化:Wi-Fi及び関連技術の採用を促進し、エコシステム全体の発展を支援
- WBAとの意見交換会
2025年1月30日(木) WBAのCEOであるティアゴ・ロドリゲスさんとCTOのブルーノ・トーマスさんが来庁されました。都の「つながる東京」展開方針等のOpenRoamingの取組やWBAの最新技術動向を情報共有し、 OpenRoaming普及への取組やWi-Fiデータの活用についても意見交換を行いました。