With the new breed of applications such as AR/VR, gaming, video conferencing and IoT, Wi-Fi QoS support is becoming more vital. In addition, the new breed of applications have brought in new sets of requirements not addressed completely by existing Wi-Fi QoS mechanisms.
However, the latest Wi-Fi QoS specification at IEEE 802.11e was released in 2005 and Wi-Fi Alliance developed parallel work on Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) in the same year.
The market requires up-to-date insights to address the QoS issues that the industry needs. It is important to identify end-to-end QoS management trials to provide reliable data clarify and proof of concepts on the QoS performance over Wi-Fi, challenges and bottlenecks and address how QoS management R1 mitigates the bottlenecks and enables better QoS performance.
This initiative aims to enhance comprehension of novel Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities, exploring their advantages and business prospects for operators and industry participants. It involves evaluating the readiness of device vendors’ implementations, and operators’ deployments through end-to-end trials, and facilitating market adoption.