The Wi-Fi Sensing project group is dedicated to address potential barriers hindering Wi-Fi Sensing adoption and further expand opportunities for applications powered by this technology.

Since its inception in 2018, the WBA has advocated for Wi-Fi Sensing, resulting in three key deliverables and the foundational Whitepaper, which supported the creation of the IEEE 802.11bf standard.

As new opportunities and challenges emerge, this upcoming initiative signals the commencement of a new workstream aimed at addressing the evolving needs in this dynamic field.


Wi-Fi Sensing workstream brings several business and market benefits:

  • Provide market guidance during the coexistence phase between standardized and proprietary solutions ensures a smoother transition and facilitates industry interoperability.
  • Address changes in deployment topologies, application-specific standards, and concerns related to performance, privacy, and security is crucial for adapting to evolving market trends.
  • Combining Sensing with other technologies, such as IoT & Smart Home, and integrating with Operator Managed Wi-Fi Reference Architecture, creates synergies and expands the scope of applications.


Update on Wi-Fi Sensing Deployment Guidelines (Phase III document) to ensure that industry practices remain aligned with technological advancements:

  • Explore and develop vertical applications, coupled with potential testing and certification processes, to create new market opportunities and foster diversification.
  • Develop a phased and structured test plan that serves as the foundation for an autonomous compliance mechanism or a comprehensive certification program.
  • Provide insights to strengthen the privacy and security message to effectively address concerns from national regulators, build trust, and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.