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What is the WBA Accelerator?

The Accelerator is a unique event within the Wireless Global Congress that gives companies, primarily start-ups and scale-ups, the opportunity to pitch their business ideas and propositions to a panel of industry specialists as well as an audience of investors, experts and Congress attendees. Find out more – e-mail our events team here.

First introduced at the 2015 Wireless Global Congress in London, the WBA Accelerator has become an integral part of each Congress since. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at the Accelerator in anticipation of the upcoming Wireless Global Congress in New York City, which will see the Accelerator take place on Thursday, 16 November, in partnership with Digital NYC. (link to their website). Participating companies will be given eight minutes to make their presentations, with an additional five minutes for Q&A. A maximum of six companies will be invited to present.

Companies are eligible to participate when:

  • They are seeking partners to support their product/service development, partnerships and launch
  • Their current revenue is less than $2.5 million per year and have been operational for less than 5 years
  • The company has a relevance to the broad ecosystem of wireless technologies and Wi-Fi
  • The company is seeking partnerships, in the areas such as sales and distribution channels, technology and product development and/or business development, etc.

This year’s key focus: Driving Innovation into Wi-Fi

The technological components of a Wi-Fi network, including everything from: improving coverage; detecting interference; improving customer experience/usability; to identifying where to get coverage, can be complicated and everyone in the wireless ecosystem is constantly looking for improvements.

Thanks to innovation and creativity, the Wi-Fi technology is   constantly evolving to respond more efficiently to challenges in areas such as mobility, coverage, bandwidth and user management/experience for our working, living and leisure environments such as homes, Cities and Enterprises.

What makes the Accelerator important?

With this year’s theme of ‘Driving Innovation,’ the Accelerator is taking a key look at the main driver behind its initial inception. Wireless innovation is arguably the most significant aspect of our ecosystem, and the role it plays for Carriers, Service Providers and Connected Cities, to name a few, cannot be understated.

The Accelerator is an important initiative because it gives smaller companies an opportunity to reach out to important individuals in the ecosystem. Additionally, it gives Congress attendees and the rest of the invited audience a glimpse at the future of the industry, while simultaneously creating networking opportunities that could potentially lead to ongoing, successful business partnerships.

For more information on the Accelerator, or if you’re interested in participating, send an e-mail to or visit the event website

Want to see what happened at previous instalments of the Accelerator? We’ve got you covered! Click the links below:

London 2015 (Inaugural Accelerator)

San Jose 2015