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So far WBA has created 721 blog entries.

Taiwan tourists can now register for free Wi-Fi before arrival

Taiwan has improved its Wi-Fi offerings to tourists by making it possible for them to register online for access to the service before they've even arrived in the country, meaning when they get to Taiwan they can log-on almost instantly. According to wanderlust.co.uk, before the changes, registering to get online in Taiwan was a tiresome process


2014-02-11T16:32:59+00:00February 11th, 2014|Industry News|

Dave Fraser, CEO, Devicescape – Carrier Wi-Fi Summit Blog

How will you be participating in Carrier Wi-Fi Summit and why do you think it is important to do so? The Carrier Wi-Fi Summit presents an excellent opportunity to interact with key players in the ecosystem. Things are moving fast in WI-Fi, and it’s becoming an increasingly essential element in many companies’ mobile data strategies.


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 11th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Visit the Carrier Wi-Fi Summit at Mobile World Congress

By Karen Ambrose Hickey, Editor, iPass Mobile World Congress is just around the corner, and if you’re lucky enough to find yourself in Barcelona February 24-27, be sure to attend the WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance) Carrier Wi-Fi Summit at the Fira Gran Via, Hall 8, to hear iPass CEO Evan Kaplan deliver the keynote address,


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 11th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Free Wi-Fi heading to over 120 French railway stations

Customers at over 120 railway stations in France will soon be able access free Wi-Fi whilst waiting for their train to arrive, the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF) has announced. According to connexionfrance.com, Lille-Flandres and Avignon stations will be piloting the Wi-Fi service next month and it is hoped that another 40 stations will


2014-02-10T14:06:50+00:00February 10th, 2014|Industry News|

Wi-fi revenue will be used on big screens in Ottawa

Advertising cash from new free Wi-Fi hotspots in Ottawa will be used to fund a number of big screens. Bosses at IceNet Wireless, the firm behind the hotspots, say that a total of $315,000 will be made from the venture. This will be spent on the screens, which will be erected at a number of


2014-02-10T11:37:53+00:00February 10th, 2014|Industry News|

No Point In Networks Selection Unless You Know What To Select!

By Lonnie Schilling, CEO of Birdstep – Panelist and workshop sponsor of the WBA, Carrier Wi-Fi Summit at Mobile World Congress 2014 #MWC14CWS


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 7th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Wi-Fi and Cellular – Complementary Services Not Competitors

By Dan Warren, Senior Director of Technology, GSMA Wi-Fi and Cellular are competing technologies, right? To be honest, I’m not sure anyone believes that anymore and even a cursory glance at this month’s selection of news articles illustrates this point nicely. Wi-Fi Offload allows customers to get better connectivity and operators to better manage their


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 7th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Over a third of people hate paying for Wi-Fi on holiday

Having to pay for Wi-Fi access one of holidaymakers biggest pet peeves, as a new survey has revealed that 38 per cent dislike putting money down in order to get online whilst abroad. According to dailymail.co.uk, the survey, which was conducted by Thistle Hotels, also found that 51 per cent of tourists state that free


2014-02-06T17:06:15+00:00February 6th, 2014|Industry News|

Obama aims to bring free Wi-Fi to 20 million US students

President Barack Obama has vowed to expand free Wi-Fi internet access to 15,000 schools around the US so that 20 million American students will be able to get online in the classroom. According to nbcnews.com, speaking at an event in Maryland earlier this week on Tuesday (4th of February), the president announced that $2 billion worth of funding from


2014-02-06T09:46:59+00:00February 6th, 2014|Industry News|

Football fans used 3.2 TB of Wi-Fi data at the Super Bowl

The Wi-Fi network at the MetLife Stadium on Super Bowl Sunday proved popular with fans, as between them they used 3.2 TB of data - around 50MB per person an hour. According to computerworld.com, a new tool called Purview from Extreme Networks was used by the National Football League to analyse how the Wi-Fi network was


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 5th, 2014|Industry News|
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