Disney Cruise Lines has introduced new Wi-Fi packages, allowing users to purchase as much data as they need.

According to travelweekly.com, Disney will be the first cruise line to introduce the new Connect@Sea system by MTN Communications. Most cruise ships only have a pay as you go system, which charge customers for the amount of time they’re online. However, this system is flawed, as someone checking their emails will be using much less data than someone streaming a film, yet they’re charged the same price.

Under the new system, customers will pay per MB. Holidaymakers who are going to be using the internet a lot on their journey will benefit from the large package, which offers 1,000MB for $89 – that’s nine cents a MB.

Anyone who thinks they’ll be uploading some photos to Facebook every other day will probably want the medium package for $39 for 300MB. Lastly, travellers who will only be using it very occasionally to check emails and suchlike will benefit most from the small 100MB package for $19.

Holidaymakers who are unsure how much they’re going to use per day can choose the pay-as-you-go package and pay 25 cents per MB. Customers can upgrade this package at any time, reports cruiseshipnews.co.uk.