More of a focus on seamless Wi-Fi off-loading could help mobile network operators improve their customer retention at a time when competition between carriers is fierce.

That’s the advice given by Torbjorn Ward, CEO at Aptilo Networks, who used his latest post at to highlight the major business opportunities that could be created though a roll out of carrier-class Wi-Fi services.

Mr Ward explained that currently, the vast majority of Wi-Fi users are being forced to contend with a seemingly endless list of sign-in pages before gaining their connection. 

As well as forms for signing into applications and networks, notes users are also required to submit information for payment methods, usernames and passwords – a process Mr Ward says is starting to get “tiresome”.

He argued that all mobile network operators should strive to offer a better overall service experience to their customers – and providing carrier-grade Wi-Fi can help them do exactly that.

“For users who can rely on Wi-Fi to carry the bulk of their data use, an easy-to-use service provider Wi-Fi service can make the difference between staying, or leaving their current carrier,” said Mr Ward.

At the same time, this addresses the loss of “all-you-can-eat” data plans when the need for mobile data is at an all-time high.

Even without the use of Wi-Fi off-loading, Mr Ward stated that carrier-class Wi-Fi would grow to become a business opportunity for operators in its own right. Providers can use Wi-Fi to monitor the browsing activity of their users, giving them a chance to analyse traffic patters, while some firms will turn to offering services that can be monetised through charging for access.

“The promise of wireless is starting to become a reality,” he added.

“But fast speeds, instant use, anywhere, anytime, securely – will only be realized if users can switch from one network to another seamlessly, with the process totally invisible to them, so there’s nothing for the user to do except have their phone turned on.”