A new app from UK telecoms provider Three allows customers to make phone calls and send SMS messages over Wi-Fi, even if they have no phone signal.

Three inTouch is an app is designed for people living in areas where their mobile phone signal is patchy but Wi-Fi hotspots are quite readily available. As long as they’re a Three customer, smartphone owners can download the app on their phone, connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot and then text or call anyone they like. The person on the other end doesn’t need to be using the app or even be a Three customer, reports whatmobile.net.

The launch of the app ties in nicely with the recent announcement of Three’s London Underground Wi-Fi network. This means that Londoners can use the app and Wi-Fi network together to ring work or text friends whilst waiting for their tube.

Another bonus is that the app works internationally, however access is currently limited to the 16 countries covered by Three’s Feel At Home service, although the provider is working on changing that. Some of the countries covered include the US, France and Hong Kong.

The minutes and texts used through the app with be deducted from the user’s contract or pay-as-you-go allowance, reports uswitch.com.