Written by Tiago Rodrigues - CEO, Wireless Broadband Alliance It’s been said before, but bears repeating – 2019 was truly the year that Wi-Fi has come of age. Not only was it the 20th anniversary
This blog was written by WBA member Hughes Systique Corporation (HSC). The hospitality industry must deal with ever-evolving customers’ tastes every single day. Major advances owing to digital innovation has enabled the market entry of brand
This blog was written by WBA member Hughes Systique Corporation (HSC). Growing adoption and evolution of smartphones has had a significant impact on the sports and entertainment industries. A recent study by Cisco revealed that 57%
The last 20 years has seen the case for cellular and Wi-fi convergence grow stronger (This blog was written by Global Reach Technology Managing Director, and WBA Board Member, Chris Bruce) A former colleague of
This blog was written by WBA member Hughes Systique Corporation (HSC). Adding a comprehensive new dimension to the Guestroom TV Technological advances have been instrumental in driving change in human lives and in steering the
This blog was written by Colleen LeCount, Chief Revenue Officer at Mobolize. Wi-Fi dead zones can provide a great opportunity for mobile operators to manage network cost and customer experience. What might seem an issue