The industry sees a rise in automatic onboarding, notably in IoT and headless devices, with FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) by the FIDO Alliance leading the way. FDO allows seamless self-installation and connection without human intervention.
A challenge exists in Wi-Fi, where automatic connection is lacking, requiring a secure zero-touch Wi-Fi onboarding solution. The proposed solution suggests leveraging OpenRoaming for Wi-Fi connections underlying FDO, streamlining onboarding.
OpenRoaming simplifies operations for headless devices, particularly where wired networking is impractical. Integrating FDO with OpenRoaming addresses Wi-Fi onboarding challenges and promotes efficient Wi-Fi adoption in this expanding market.
The project, which centers on integrating FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) with OpenRoaming to tackle Wi-Fi onboarding challenges, aims to provide seamless, secure, and efficient solutions for connecting headless devices.
Distinctive solution differentiates WBA members from competitors, attracting businesses in search of innovative Wi-Fi connectivity solutions. This can be achieved by emphasizing the unique combination of FDO and OpenRoaming.