OpenRoaming™ is set to revolutionize the adoption of roaming. WBA OpenRoaming Release 2, which enables network and service providers, including MNOs, Cable Operators and ISPs to offer an enhanced quality of experience (QoE) to their subscribers, including voice, high-definition video streaming, gaming and more.

With execution underway to ensure OpenRoaming can cover Wi-Fi and Private 5G use cases, the proposal presented in this project is to analyze the opportunity of using core OpenRoaming concepts to address new IoT use cases.


While successful IoT solutions are effectively delivered from the cloud, the onboarding of devices into these systems remains a potential challenge. The opportunity lies in exploring the use of OpenRoaming to facilitate zero-touch onboarding for IoT assets across all wireless access technologies. Additionally, there’s potential in understanding how to incrementally introduce network-to-network roaming for technologies not originally designed for such capabilities.

Industry players should prioritize understanding how to tailor crucial OpenRoaming capabilities for seamless IoT device onboarding. This involves analyzing how OpenRoaming concepts can be re-applied or adapted to effectively address emerging IoT use cases.


  • Develop an addendum to the OpenRoaming specifications to address IoT opportunities through a variety of Layer 2 technologies, including BLE, LoRa, and possible enhanced Wi-Fi capabilities for new IoT use cases
  • To engage with WBA stakeholders who provide IoT systems to enable demonstration of any agreed approaches for integration of IoT into the OpenRoaming federation
  • Work with relevant industry standards bodies and industry organizations to include the addendum of specification for supporting IoT use cases and allow more industry players can be benefits from OpenRoaming