Trends and Opportunities
WBA OpenRoaming™ is built upon WBA OpenRoaming PKI, Passpoint® and DNS-based Dynamic Peer Discovery, as defined in RFC 7585.
OpenRoaming has dramatically simplified the procedures for supporting in-bound roamers from mobile operators. Instead of configuring individual cellular identifiers, the Passpoint defined Roaming Consort Organizational identifier (RCOI) is used to support all in-bound roamers.
Instead of pre-shared keys, the WBA Private Key Infrastructure is used to secure all signalling across the federation. And instead of static configuration of signalling peers, OpenRoaming uses dynamic discovery of signalling systems that leverage enhancements agreed between GSMA and WBA to enable discovery by OpenRoaming access networks connected to the Internet.
Business Benefits
Due to the dynamic nature of OpenRoaming, hotspot directories are of limited value for operators looking to understand where their subscribers are attempting to connect.
In order to fully manage a Wi-Fi roaming & offload strategy, an IDP needs to receive accurate location information in the RADIUS Access-Request. The information the IDP obtains should be detailed geocoordinate information representing the location where their customer’s device is connecting.
The project provides requirements regarding the delivery of geocoordinate and location identifiers for Passpoint roaming and OpenRoaming in RADIUS and defines concise information to be mandatory for carrier offload.
Expected Deliverables
- Develop technical specifications for signaling location information in RADIUS.
- Analyze technical challenges and opportunities for consistent and standardized delivery of location information within OpenRoaming.