Visitors, businesses and residents will soon be able to enjoy free Wi-Fi in a number of public spaces across Vancouver, Canada.

According to, Wi-Fi will be rolled out to Vancouver’s beaches and parks and vision commissioner Trevor Loke says it will provide people with more ways to make use of these public spaces.

“There’s a lot of utility in people enjoying our park in different ways,” he explains. “Perhaps people want to be on a Kindle in a park and read there and Wi-Fi would allow them to do that. They should be able to choose how they use the public space.”

He adds that the initial rollout will be very targeted, because it’s likely that a few bugs and problems will appear, which wouldn’t make the service look very good.

As well as being useful to people already in Vancouver, Amber Sessions, a spokesperson for Tourism Vancouver, believes it could bring even more visitors into the city, reports Not every city has free Wi-Fi yet and many international tourists won’t have data plans on their mobile phones. Giving them free access allows them to share their holiday photos online and when their friends see these pictures, they might be inspired to visit too, she explains.