Wi-Fi access is the second-most desired comfort among British holidaymakers, a new survey from Pixmania.com has found.

According to dailymail.co.uk, the study found that Wi-Fi is more desirable than a clean hotel or a good mattress, as these comforts only placed third and fourth respectively. A nice view came top, but this may be linked to the fact that most Brits like to make their friends jealous by posting pictures to social media sites.

Some 56 per cent of the people who took part in the survey say they’ve been told off by a partner in the past for spending too much time on their gadgets during a holiday. Moreover, holidaymakers are most likely to log into Facebook or Twitter when they’re away, with 23 per cent of people admitting to this. Another 20 per cent can’t stay away from celebrity gossip sites whilst abroad and 16 per cent even access their work emails.

Wi-Fi access is also important when Brits eat out, as 54 per cent want to check whether they can get online or not before choosing a restaurant. However, another study from Expedia shows how bad holidaymakers are at hunting for a good holiday deal, as only 16 per cent make sure the hotel they’re booking has free Wi-Fi before putting any money down, reports traveldailymedia.com.

Christophe Reinling from Pixmania.com said: “While we know that everyone likes to check social media or catch up on the news when on holiday, it’s still surprising to discover how just many Britons now place having Wi-Fi as a priority when away.”

According to Mr Reinling, the trend means that Brits now need to remember to pack the chargers for all the different gadgets they take away with them.