One writer has claimed that even 4G speeds aren’t enough to keep them from the trusted wi-fi connection just yet.

When 4G was originally rolled out, its speed was the main selling point. Blogger and journalist Jennifer Scott, however, has claimed that even this won’t be enough to keep her off the old wi-fi connection, as there is more to it than just speed, reports.

Scott noted that mobile operators are typically sworn enemies, always trying to get one over on their competitors and secure the lucrative advantage. On the issue of wi-fi, however, these sworn enemies put their differences aside and join forces to try and get people back onto their networks – where they can be charged accordingly.

It was because of this, Scott claimed, that consumers should expect large-scale innovations and developments in the world of 4G internet, as mobile operators look to bring back custom and, therefore, revenue.

However, those with 4G-enabled handsets are still favouring their wi-fi connections. Scott cited new US-based research, which found that wi-fi usage is growing quicker among those with 4G handsets than it did for 3G users – despite all the apparent and much-vaunted benefits.

She claimed that this trend could be indicative of many people holding a similar belief as her, that 4G users have to be more careful with their data, so are seeking out unlimited wi-fi connections instead.

As such, reports, mobile operators can tout the speed options all they like, but until usage limits are revised heavily upwards, smartphone users are still likely to favour wi-fi.