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So far WBA has created 721 blog entries.

New Qualcomm technology to maximise network capabilities

Qualcomm's latest wireless innovation will help to ensure Wi-Fi networks can be used to their full capacity, a company spokesperson says. Earlier this week, the chip-maker released plans to use multi-user, multiple-input and multiple output (MU-MIMO) technology to boost connection speeds for devices in public spaces, homes and workplaces. MU-MIMO allows the simultaneous transmission of


2019-05-09T12:28:11+01:00April 11th, 2014|Industry News|

Free Wi-Fi the most requested amenity for hotel rooms

In-room Wi-Fi is the biggest thing holidaymakers look out for when choosing a hotel, according to a new survey. Research from Hotels.com reveals the top ten must have amenities for both hotel rooms and hotels in general, with Wi-Fi featuring highly in both lists. A complimentary connection is the top priority for hotel guests and ranks higher than basics


2014-04-11T12:31:57+01:00April 11th, 2014|Industry News|

Demand for cloud-managed Wi-Fi to grow immensely

Analysts are tipping the cloud-based Wi-Fi market to welcome huge growth over the next four years as adoption in the midmarket and distributed enterprise sectors gains pace. New research from International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts global revenue from cloud-managed infrastructure and managed services to hit $653 million (£389 million) this year before growing to $2.5 billion (£1.5


2019-05-09T12:28:12+01:00April 11th, 2014|Industry News|

Flying wind turbine doubles up as a Wi-Fi hotspot

A new type of Wi-Fi hotspot could help those in remote locations get online; but this hotspot is different - it is mounted to a flying wind turbine. Altaeros Energies, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) startup, is the firm behind the invention. The BAT-Buoyant Airborne Turbine is filled with helium, enabling it to rise


2019-05-09T12:28:12+01:00April 8th, 2014|Industry News|

Some 48,000 football fans to benefit from free Etihad Stadium Wi-Fi

Some 48,000 Manchester City fans are now able to connect to the internet at Etihad Stadium in the UK, thanks to a new Wi-Fi service. According to yahoo.com, this means Manchester City is the first Premier League Club to offer its fans free internet access at its stadium. The service has already been tested to ensure


2014-04-08T16:25:27+01:00April 8th, 2014|Industry News|

Telefónica to cash in on growing ‘connected cars’ market

Internet-connected cars will account for 90 per cent of all new vehicle sales within the next six years, new data from Telefónica suggests. After carrying out a study with consultancy Booz & Co, the telecoms giant predicted that the global market will be worth $113 billion by the end of the decade - more than


2014-04-07T15:20:12+01:00April 7th, 2014|Industry News|

Wi-Fi enables 68 per cent of mobile video views

Wi-Fi is enabling 68 per cent of all mobile video views, according to new research. A new survey from Strategy Analytics reveals that wireless mobile internet connections found in cafés, restaurants, shopping malls, sports centres and other popular locations are powering the vast majority of requests for streaming video. In fact, according to figures cited by iptv-news.com, Wi-Fi is three times more


2014-04-02T13:20:09+01:00April 2nd, 2014|Industry News|

Nakura becomes first Kenyan city to offer free Wi-Fi

Nakura has become the first city in Kenya to offer its residents free Wi-Fi in its Central Business District (CBD). According to standardmedia.co.ke, the project is a collaboration between Nakura county government and the State House Digital Team. Over half (52 per cent) of the CBD is already covered by the Wi-Fi connection and the final 48 per cent


2014-04-02T12:22:32+01:00April 2nd, 2014|Industry News|

FCC Wi-Fi announcement to provide economic boost

The US Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) decision to free up extra Wi-Fi spectrum will be an "economic boon", one expert believes. According to theregister.co.uk, the FCC voted unanimously to make an extra 100MHz of the 5GHz band available for wireless devices. The new spectrum will be used to ease congestion in both homes and crowded


2014-04-02T12:06:17+01:00April 2nd, 2014|Industry News|

Current and Future Opportunities for Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi has without doubt been one of the most disruptive technologies of the past decade. Since the formation of the Wi-Fi Alliance in 1999, wireless has gone on to become one of the most ubiquitous technologies of the 21st century.

2019-05-09T12:28:12+01:00April 1st, 2014|Industry Insights|
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