Resources Centre

OpenRoaming™ Flyer
WBA OpenRoaming™ creates the framework to connect billions of users and things to millions of Wi-Fi networks globally

OpenRoaming Smart Cities
The use of Wi-Fi across cities and the public sector has grown in popularity since the early noughties/2000’s, reinforced with the recent COVID19 Pandemic. From outdoor public spaces, to indoor municipal use in areas such as libraries and public spaces in offices and education, society’s increasing reliance on staying connected at all times and wanting constant access to information on the move demands a great customer experience. That is without mentioning smart city enablement!
WBA has created a roaming federation service called OpenRoaming™ which addresses these issues by providing all the building blocks necessary to enable a Smart City for public Wi-Fi and other public services. Citizens are able to stay connected in virtually any location across the city while not having to worry about potential security risks, ensuring cities and public spaces are more friendly to businesses, visitors and residents alike, enabling a city of innovation.

OpenRoaming Hospitality
In recent years, Wi-Fi availability is rated as one of the top 3 factors why a guest will choose to stay at a hotel. For hotels around the world, providing a great guest Wi-Fi experience is not optional, its essential.
To that end, what defines a great guest Wi-Fi experience, and are you delivering it? Your guests may have great connectivity in their bedroom or in the hotel bar, but what about in the conference center with many people trying to simultaneously connect? Are your staff required to be connected to Wi-Fi in order to better serve your customers?
OpenRoaming provides seamless, secure access throughout the property, to other properties and other places your guests visit throughout their journey and OpenRoaming can enhance your loyalty proposition.

OpenRoaming Ground Transportation
What happens when our day is paused? The majority of people on different modes of public transportation – such as a train or bus – will immediately reach for their smartphone or tablet – whether it’s to check messages, to do some work or just to enjoy some entertainment while having some downtime.
However, problems can arise the moment you attempt to connect to the transportation’s Wi-Fi network. How do I connect? Do I need a username or password? Will the network recognize me from my previous connections? Should I worry about security risks?
This is where WBA OpenRoaming comes in. It is designed to drastically simplify how passengers and staff connect to the network, with no lengthy and repetitive sign-up or connection process required. From carriage to platform to subway and beyond, connecting to the network happens simply and securely without any further actions needed from the user.