Resources Centre

Trends on M2M, IoT and Big Data
Topic: Wi-Fi in the IoT World
Matt Hatton, Founder and CEO, Machina Research

How IoT Will Disrupt Businesses and Industries
Topic: Wi-Fi in the IoT World
Paul Crane, Head of Practice, Research and Innovation, BT

How the Internet of Things (IoT) is Changing our way of Life
Topic: Wi-Fi in the IoT World
Mike Short CBE FREng FIET, VP Telefonica Europe

The Connected World
Topic: Wi-Fi in the IoT World
Chris Penrose, Senior Vice President, IoT Solutions, AT&T Mobility

How Wi-Fi will Help Grow The IoT Market
Topic: Wi-Fi in the IoT World
Chris Bruce, Director of Global Services, BT and Co-Chair of the WBA

The Future of Public Wi-Fi
Topic: Achievements and Challenges of High Density Wi-Fi Locations
Innovation Stream
Kerry Wright, Director of Marketing and Alliances, Purple Wi-Fi

Certification vs. Interoperability
Topic: Achievements and Challenges of High Density Wi-Fi Locations
Innovation Stream
Mick Conley, Development Manager Industry Program, UL

NGH Future Innovations
Topic: Achievements and Challenges of High Density Wi-Fi Locations
Innovation Stream
Panel Discussion
Derek Peterson, CTO, Boingo Wireless

NGH Future Innovations
Topic: Achievements and Challenges of High Density Wi-Fi Locations
Innovation Stream
Panel Discussion
Ricardo Cabornero, Head of Access and Roaming, Fon

Towards 5G: Future Generations of the Wi-Fi Business Model
Topic: Achievements and Challenges of High Density Wi-Fi Locations
Convergence Stream
Caroline Gabriel, Co-Founder, Rethink Technology Research