Resources Centre
Wi-Fi and the Smart Home
Next Gen Wi-Fi Summit
Speaker: Trond Wuellner, Group Product Manager, Google
Creating Sustainable Models
Next Gen Wi-Fi Summit
Speaker: Sue Rudd, Director, Service Provider Analysis, Strategy Analytics
The Future of Wi-Fi
Next Gen Wi-Fi Summit
Speaker: Edgar Figueroa, President and CEO, Wi-Fi Alliance
What Do Coffee and Wi-Fi Have in Common?
Next Gen Wi-Fi Summit
Speaker: Mark Williamson, CEO, GlobalReach Technology
Targeting Wi-Fi Advertisement Solution Based on Data Analysis
Next Gen Wi-Fi Summit
Speaker: Yong-Hyun Park, Manager, NW R&D Center, SK Telecom
50 Billion Devices: The Interoperability Challenge
Wireless Innovation Showcase
Speaker: Robin Duke-Woolley, Founder and CEO, Beecham Research Ltd.
Bringing the Smart Home to Life
Wireless Innovation Showcase
Speaker: Mark Younger, EU General Manager, Samsung SmartThings
Connected Culture
Wireless Innovation Showcase
Speaker: Ali Hossaini, CEO Arts Cinemas @ UK Art Council and Research Fellow, Department of Informatics at King’s College, London
Connecting the Next Billion
Wireless Innovation Showcase
Speaker: Gulzar Azad, Head of Access Programs, Google India
EU Spectrum Policy
Wireless Innovation Showcase
Speaker: Andreas Geiss, Head of Spectrum, European Commission