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Wi-Fi Roaming Standard – WRIX Umbrella Document
WBA defines roaming set-up best practices for service providers and outlines the reasons for providing roaming services as well as suitable strategies to adopt. Standards are provided for the type of information needed from the Wi-Fi network, together with guidelines on how to exchange relevant information between involved parties. Moreover, WBA maintains a database of Operators roaming related data, including the WBAID that is solely provided and maintained by the WBA.
This WRIX Umbrella document is an integral part of the whole Wireless Roaming Intermediary eXchange (WRIX) Framework, developed by the WBA Roaming Work Group. This document defines the means by which operators may interconnect with each other, either directly or through their respective WRIX-is, for the purposes of providing wireless broadband roaming services to their end-users. It also provided a guidance for best practices of Wi-Fi Roaming and overview of WRIX interfaces and entities.

IMSI Privacy Protection for Wi-Fi
EAP methods are primarily used by wireless carriers and operators who want to take advantage of Wi-Fi capabilities for their SIM subscribers for use cases including licensed mobile radio service; in service-environments such as sports or shopping venues; underground locations; and the overall experience for end-users when Wi-Fi and mobile services are combined for the SIM subscriber’s benefit. Passpoint enables the cellular carrier to offload data by providing a means to have an automated connection to available Wi-Fi providers.
To fill the industry gap, it is important to provide solutions that enable mobile devices to keep their permanent subscriber identity (IMSI) private when using SIM authentication methods.
WBA’s IMSI Privacy Protection for Wi-Fi – Technical Specification document serves as the standardization for seamless, private and secure access for SIM-based devices onto to Wi-Fi. The document provides clear guidelines to ensure that service providers can deploy secure and interoperable Wi-Fi services with confidence.
With the joint collaboration between operators and vendors, the WBA’s Wi-Fi IMSI Privacy Protection project team formulated the best practice on security policy and privacy protection on SIM-based devices as well as developed guidelines and a compliance program to guarantee broad industry deployments and alignment