Resources Centre

Operator Managed Wi-Fi Reference Architecture and Requirements
With the increasing prevalence of Wi-Fi as the primary method of internet connectivity, the term “Wi-Fi” has become synonymous with the internet itself. Consequently, users perceive their internet quality of experience (QoE) as synonymous with Wi-Fi QoE. Users no longer differentiate between Wi-Fi service and internet service, expecting their Wi-Fi issues to be resolved by their internet service provider (ISP). This shift has turned Wi-Fi into a managed service, specifically managed by the operator, hence the term “operator-managed.”
This is WBA’s first document on operator-managed Wi-Fi, and it is anticipated that later phases of work will expand the scope of the requirements hereby defined.
The technical paper, “Operator Managed Wi-Fi: Reference Architecture and Requirements” outlines a new operator-managed Wi-Fi (OMWi) reference architecture. The proposed framework will combine multiple available standards to streamline Wi-Fi data collection, Wi-Fi management, configuration, and optimization of home networks, simplifying the analysis and decision-making process for carriers.
This paper represents the first phase of that journey, presenting an operator-managed Wi-Fi reference architecture that combines the benefits of all available standards, including Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) Wi-Fi EasyMesh™, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Data Elements™, and Broadband Forum (BBF) User Services Platform (USP) Data Models TR-369 and TR-181. Wi-Fi Alliance EasyMesh™, for instance, can be utilized as the standard interface for Wi-Fi data collection, Wi-Fi management, configuration, and optimization on home networks with a standalone gateway.
Register now for the upcoming webinar on 6th June, 2023 “Optimizing Wi-Fi Experience with Operator-Managed Networks.”