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So far WBA has created 721 blog entries.

Businesses losing billions each year by failing to manage mobile connectivity

Businesses are losing billions of pounds each year by refusing to look into more cost-effective ways of hooking their travelling employees up to the internet. This is according to a new report from US mobile services provider iPass, cited by information-age.com, which claims that solutions like Wi-Fi can cut the £4.8 billion businesses spend on keeping their


2014-02-04T12:47:49+00:00February 4th, 2014|Industry News|

Birdstep Presents Experience Continuity – The True OTT Differentiator at Mobile World Congress 2014

Birdstep Host Workshops with the Wireless Broadband Alliance And Has Presence Within The Swedish Pavilion OSLO, Norway – February 3, 2014 – Birdstep Technology (www.birdstep.com), a leading provider of Smart Mobile Data and Secure Mobility services, today announced its participation in the WBA Carrier Wi-Fi Summit (Hall 8, Theatre District, Area B) during Mobile World


2019-05-09T12:28:16+01:00February 3rd, 2014|Industry News|

Between 50 and 80 Wi-Fi access points to be installed in Glasgow

Glasgow City Council has stated that BT will install anywhere between 50 and 80 Wi-Fi access points in the city, so that residents and visitors will be able to get online for free during the Commonwealth Games. According to heraldscotland.com, the council wishes to hurry the operation, so that the service will definitely be ready


2014-02-03T13:38:38+00:00February 3rd, 2014|Industry News|

Innovation could change Wi-Fi as we know it

The face of Wi-Fi could change forever, with innovations involving the use of outer space, according to theregister.co.uk. While the general public may be used to getting their Wi-Fi from routers in the home or in public places, new developments could result in free Wi-Fi being made available across the whole world by using satellites


2014-02-03T13:04:42+00:00February 3rd, 2014|Industry News|

Hilton ups speed of Wi-Fi across key hotels

Hilton is set to offer its web-browsing customers a faster Wi-Fi connection at a number of its lavish hotels. Over the next two months, the group will roll out an improved wireless internet tier, with the hope of persuading customers to pay for an upgraded connection. Usatoday.com says the service will be made available at all hotels operating under Hilton's


2014-01-31T12:02:34+00:00January 31st, 2014|Industry News|

Over 100,000 daily commuters to benefit from New Jersey railway Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi access has just been launched at a number of New Jersey Transit stations in America, meaning over 100,000 daily commuters will now be able to check their emails and browse the internet whilst waiting for their train to arrive. According to lightreading.com, Cablevision Systems Corp has rolled out its Optimum Wi-Fi service at 11


2014-01-30T10:39:04+00:00January 30th, 2014|Industry News|

Cisco supports purge of old Wi-Fi standards to prevent channel hogging

Wi-Fi giant Cisco Systems has urged companies in the sector to get behind its campaign to force out older standards of wireless connectivity in order to provide more efficient networks.  According to pcworld.com, the group is claiming that standards like the once-popular 802.11b, which dates back as early as 1999, aren't nearly as fast as some


2014-01-29T11:18:56+00:00January 29th, 2014|Industry News|

First few free Wi-Fi spots rolled out in Bangalore

The government of Karnataka has launched the first few Wi-Fi spots in Bangalore, ensuring free internet access is available to anyone in the city centre. According to gizmocrave.com, the service is only currently available in six different Wi-Fi hotspots, but the government plans to roll out the service to ten more locations over the coming


2019-05-09T12:28:17+01:00January 28th, 2014|Industry News|

Free wi-fi services will allow Waitrose customers to use mobiles to help with shopping

Customers of Waitrose will soon be able to enjoy  free wi-fi in all of its stores. The service, which will be up and running by spring, will make it easier for customers to use their smartphones to scan and buy their shopping whilst they are in the store. Head of retail change for the store, Matt


2014-01-27T16:00:16+00:00January 27th, 2014|Industry News|

Air India set to take Wi-Fi into the sky

Air India is set to become the country's first airline to offer a Wi-Fi service on board both domestic and international flights.    The company is planning on installing wireless internet connections on wide body and narrow body planes, with the service available to passengers for a small fee. This will serve as yet another


2014-01-27T14:26:14+00:00January 27th, 2014|Industry News|
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