Specifications & guidelines

Next Generation Hotspot (NGH) Wi-Fi Roaming Guidelines

Next Generation Hotspot (NGH) is WBA’s accomplishment of an end-to-end Wi-Fi Roaming experience, achieving the seamless, secure and interoperable experience set as a benchmark by the Wi-Fi industry. This white paper examines the business case for NGH and Wi-Fi Roaming, and also provides a detailed breakdown of the building blocks needed for setting up quality roaming services. It outlines a number of successful trials and demos, and explores the ways in which WBA and its members are working to ensure that the technology continues to evolve.

24 - 07 - 19  |  Specifications & guidelines

Wi-Fi Roaming Standard – WRIX Umbrella Document

The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) defines roaming set-up best practices for service providers and outlines the reasons for providing roaming services as well as suitable strategies to adopt. Standards are provided for the type of information needed from the Wi-Fi network, together with guidelines on how to exchange relevant information between involved parties. Moreover, WBA maintains a database of Operators roaming related data, including the WBAID that is solely provided and maintained by the WBA.

This WRIX Umbrella document is an integral part of the whole Wireless Roaming Intermediary eXchange (WRIX) Framework, developed by the WBA Roaming Work Group. This document defines the means by which operators may interconnect with each other, either directly or through their respective WRIX-is, for the purposes of providing wireless broadband roaming services to their end-users. It also provided a guidance for best practice of Wi-Fi Roaming and overview of WRIX interfaces and entities.



01 - 03 - 20  |  Specifications & guidelines

Connected City Blueprint 2017

The Connected City Blueprint 2017/18 serves as a guideline for cities and government authorities looking for support in the approach and development of their Connected City Plans. It includes valuable lessons to be learned from the most successful early adopters, and is a source for the broader wireless industry to better understand the challenges and opportunities the Connected City and Smart City ecosystem offers.

This latest edition also explores how different technologies can help cities develop their Connected City Plans to tackle urban challenges, whilst highlighting the need for engagement with and collaboration between the different stakeholders, including the Citizens, City Authorities, Private Sector Companies, Innovators and Entrepreneurs and Academia, in order to achieve success.

15 - 11 - 17  |  Specifications & guidelines, WBA white papers

Connected City Blueprint 2016

Written and compiled with the guidance of the Connected City Advisory Board (CCAB), the Connected City Blueprint serves as the first in an ongoing series of documents that will aim to aggregate and present the views, case studies, and opinions of city officials, local authorities, and more.

15 - 12 - 16  |  Specifications & guidelines, WBA white papers

Wi-Fi Roaming Business Case

WBA suggests that up to 70% of international travellers now rely on Wi-Fi networks to stay connected while abroad.

Our latest white paper Wi-Fi Roaming examines how to leverage this opportunity to create new services and products that can result in additional roaming revenues, while delivering an outstanding user experience.

Packed with facts, stats and business cases, the white paper covers:

• Roaming set-up best practices for service providers
• Benefits from providing roaming services
• Suitable strategies to adopt
• Wi-Fi roaming business models
• Next Gen Wi-Fi ready network insights from the industry and global Operator

01 - 12 - 15  |  Specifications & guidelines, WBA white papers
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