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So far WBA has created 721 blog entries.

WBA Announces Winners of its Members Recognition Awards

This week, the WBA not only welcomed its members to its second working session of 2014 in Tokyo, but also announced the winners of its Members Recognition Awards. These awards have been designed to reward those who have made significant contributions to WBA projects over the past 12 months. The three categories are: Leadership award


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00June 6th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Swisscom Selects Aptilo for Next Step in Wi-Fi Service Offering

STOCKHOLM – June 3, 2014 – Switzerland’s leading telecoms provider Swisscom has selected Aptilo Networks, the leading provider of carrier-class Wi-Fi service management and offloading solutions, to provide service management to support future development of their Wi-Fi offerings. The Aptilo Service Management Platform™ (SMP) has been integrated with Swisscom’s existing systems, giving Swisscom the flexibility


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00June 3rd, 2014|Member Releases|

Time Warner Cable highlights customer savings with new Wi-Fi portal

The new Wi-Fi login system introduced by Time Warner Cable earlier this week will help customers to determine how much money they've saved by using the company's services, the firm has said. The online portal allows users to register a selection of wireless-enabled devices so that they automatically connect to hotspots when in range. At


2014-06-02T10:58:25+01:00June 2nd, 2014|Industry News|

Commercial launch of 10Gbps Wi-Fi ‘one step closer’, Huawei claims

Businesses across the globe could have access to 'ultrafast' Wi-Fi before the end of the decade, according to Huawei Technologies. The Chinese telecommunications giant claims to have successfully tested the industry's first 10Gbps connection at its headquarters in Shenzhen and says that the technology could be made commercially available as soon as 2018, firstpost.com reports.


2014-06-02T09:42:57+01:00June 2nd, 2014|Industry News|

In-flight Wi-Fi review

Mobile phones have been a common feature of many people’s lives since the mid-1990s, but for much of the time since, they’ve been banished from the world of air travel. It’s almost become second nature to just switch devices off when entering an aircraft – that was until handset manufacturers began loading their products with


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00June 2nd, 2014|Industry Insights|

WBA Prepares for its Working Session in Tokyo

The WBA is currently gearing up to welcome members to its second working session of 2014, taking place on June 4-6 in the vibrant city of Tokyo. This focused 3-day assembly, co-hosted by NTT DOCOMO, will bring together the Alliance membership from across the wireless ecosystem to work on a variety of WBA initiatives, as


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00May 30th, 2014|WBA Blog|

Retailers taking advantage of ‘showrooming’ by offering free Wi-Fi

A number of UK retailers are offering free Wi-Fi in-store to take advantage of the current 'showrooming' trend, a new report from EE shows. According to retailtimes.co.uk, showrooming is when customers browse online whilst in a store. Around 44 per cent of the UK do it and Agata Laight, senior propositions manager for Connected Retail


2014-05-29T16:24:10+01:00May 29th, 2014|Industry News|

EE launches UK’s first in-car Wi-Fi hotspot

EE is launching three new devices which will allow UK drivers to connect to a Wi-Fi network in their car for the first time ever. According to eandt.theiet.org, the devices, called Buzzard, Osprey and Kite, are each designed to cater different users. Buzzard is aimed at families, Osprey is for younger users and Kite is ideal


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00May 29th, 2014|Industry News|

Majority of business travellers prefer using Wi-Fi over mobile data

Some 80 per cent of business travellers prefer to use Wi-Fi instead of mobile data when they're working outside of the office, a new survey from iPass reveals. According to betanews.com, the average business traveller carries three mobile devices with them on a journey. Although they prefer to connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot, some aren't


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00May 29th, 2014|Industry News|

Wireless Broadband Alliance’s Wi-Fi Global Congress Returns to Silicon Valley

The World’s Leading Carrier Wi-Fi Event Will be Returning to San Francisco; Supported by Cisco, Ruckus, DeviceScape & Aptilo Singapore – May 27th, 2014 – The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), the industry association focused on driving the next generation Wi-Fi experience, has announced the return of its Wi-Fi Global Congress to San Francisco. The WBA’s


2019-05-09T12:28:10+01:00May 27th, 2014|WBA Press releases|
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